I’ve been an Editor for 17 years (you can tell from my hairline). I think I bring honesty, humour and humanity to the films I work on – both on and off screen, and people value my creativity, my instincts and my counsel.
I was introduced to the power of cinema at age 10 by Jurassic Park, I left the cinema in terror after 20 mins and couldn’t go back in when I heard the screaming! I grew up mostly watching rom-coms, sci-fi, and melodramas, so I consider “Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Khan” to be a masterpiece alongside “The Godfather” and “You’ve Got Mail” (though I’m also partial to the odd serious indie drama).
When I’m not working I love going to see stand-up comedy and music gigs, listening to podcasts, and trying to do yoga.
FEATURE FILMS including:
“Matriarch“ for Disney+, “Shepherd“ released in cinemas worldwide and selected for the BFI London Film Festival, and “The Pugilist”, nominated for Best British Film at the Edinburgh Film Festival.
TV DRAMA & COMEDY including:
BBC Comedy Drama “Boarders”, BBC SciFi Drama “Silverpoint“, ITV Drama “Murder in Provence” starring Roger Allam, comedy “Bravo 2 Charlies“ for BBC, “Lowdown” for CH4. “Coronation Street” for ITV, “Eastenders” for BBC1
SHORT FILMS including
“No More Wings”, which won Best Film at the TRIBECA Film Festival, BAFTA Longlisted “Hair Cut”, and the Film4 film “Twice As Good“, screening at festivals including as BFI London, Cannes, Berlin, and Toronto.
DOCUMENTARIES for the BBC, CH4, Discovery, Netflix, Nat Geo, and many others.